
I lost a friend.

​I have Cystic Fibrosis. I’m sure that’s not new information to anyone, nor is the fact that people with CF can't mix so making friends is kind of a hard task. I have a very small handful of CF friends, non of them are people I talk to every day but I love them all and we all share very unique experiences that nobody without CF can. One of these friends was a girl from America, just a couple of years younger than me and all to similar in every other aspect. We both listened to the same music, found things like SFX make up fascinating, and were both definitely stuck in the mid 2000s emo scene. My friend had a double long transplant when she was 16, her health bounced back with her new lungs and she got to do so much. On her 19th birthday she even got the tattoos she'd wanted for ages. Unfortunately her health didn’t stay as good as it could have, and she ended up getting very sick toward the end of last year. She was in and out of hospital, had to get a feeding tube placed again

With Friends Like Me

People with CF have to stay away from each other. We can catch different bacteria than normal people that are harmful to us and can spread them extremely easily to one another. It's one of the rules that seems the most simple but is probably the hardest to follow. When I was younger the rule didn't exist, I remember in my old hospital there was a "teen room" with a few sofas and a tv where the older patients could go to socialise with other patients if they didn't have visitors that day or wanted to make friends. I remember being little and wandering into the teen room to make friends with the big kids, there were siblings James and Ruby and they played with me for ages when I was bored and it was really nice having people like me around. One day a nurse stormed into the teen room and told us we couldn't be friends, we had to go back to our rooms immediately and couldn't mix anymore, the rules had changed and we could seriously hurt one another. Lit

The Drive To Be Creative

Creativity, oh, now that's a tough one. I've always seen myself as someones who's very creative, always doodling on my hands, always humming something or tapping a beat on a table while I'm doing something else. I love creative writing and I've started so many stories but finished none. How can someone call themselves creative when they don't create? Deadlines are my downfall. I can write or draw as much as I want until it becomes a necessity and then becomes a chore. Like this blog for instance, originally I said I would upload every two weeks but that fell apart after the first post because I couldn't find anything to write about. The same thing happened with my old stories and songs I had to write for my music GCSE. I've had a break. I had a month in hospital and and I didn't stress myself about posts for this blog or working on my bullet journal or writing. I ended up drawing more because its the one thing I never set deadlines to. A

New Years and 2019 Goals

So, I'm bad at resolutions. I always fail the generic "eat healthy", "exercise more", "stop biting your nails". Resolutions as a whole set me up for failure, the second I miss a day of a routine I think 'whats the damn point I've messed it up now'. This year I'm not really making resolutions other than trying to keep up with my bullet journal, instead I have a few goals and things I want to achieve in 2019 and here are my main 4. Goal #1 My first goal is to get a tattoo, or tattoos, this year. Tattoos are something I've always loved and wanted to have and now I'm finally 18 so this year I'm going to get my first ever tattoo. There's an artist who goes by @keelyglitters on instagram and I fell in love with her work as soon as I saw it. Her style is cartoony and cute and she does lots of disney stuff so for me she's perfect. Goal #2 Goal number two is to see more musicals this year, namely Hamilton and Wi


Well Hello! Welcome to Chasing Daisy Chains. The posts on here won't be about one set topic or theme but instead just about my life. I have a genetic condition called Cystic Fibrosis so I have lots to share regarding treatment or hospital stays. I also cosplay and go to comic con twice a year so progress updates will be frequent posts. I try to dabble with photography and videography so this blog might become a little artsy sometimes, but I'll make sure to not create a harsh divide between normal posts and more aesthetic ones. Posts will be every 2 weeks starting starting on on the 1st of January, I hope you stick around! ~Dais